Yoga Teacher Training Program

Taught by Elisabeth Michielsen

The Course of Study
You will learn about...

Yoga Teacher Training Schedule

This program consists of 200 hours of training and provides certification that is recognized through the Yoga Association of British Columbia.  It is mainly based on the teachings of Sandra Sammartino who has trained hundreds of teachers in the Vancouver area as well as other parts of Canada.
Elisabeth Michielsen has also been trained at the Sivananda Vedanta Yoga Ashram in India and Yasodhara Ashram near Nelson, B.C.  She is a certified Teacher Trainer and registered with the Yoga Association of British Columbia as a senior teacher.
She has 25 years of experience and training with yoga, has been teaching for 16 years, and lives in Courtenay.

Body Heart & Soul Yoga

Yoga means “union” and involves bringing all aspects of ourselves together for a greater sense of health and wholeness. As we engage with postures, breath and sound we soften and release emotional blocks, healing on all levels. Yoga is an invitation to feel more deeply and live life more fully, awakening to inner essence and spirit.

Connecting with the energy body and releasing emotional blockages allows one to heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It is gentle and yet powerful in the results.

Elisabeth’s teaching is an eclectic style of hatha yoga that involves using breath, sound, meditation, yoga postures and bodyrolling techniques. She has a gentle and loving approach, incorporating intuition, dedication, passion and joy into her teaching.

The Course of Study

A.    Sanskrit - The language of Yoga

B.    Energetic Anatomy

C.   Origins of Yoga - Historical, Philosophical Systems

D.   (a) The Many Forms of Yoga - Jhana, Bhakti, Mantra, Hatha,   Karma, etc.
(b) The Modern Forms of Yoga

E.    The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

F.    The Eight Limbs of Yoga (Astanga Yoga)

1. The Yamas (Contract with the world)

2. The Niyamas (Contract with ourselves)

3.  Asana (Yoga Positions)

  - breath awareness
- purpose of asana
- the use of sound in yoga

- understanding posture  sequence
- principles of alignment
 therapeutic yoga

4.    Pranayama (Expansive Breathing)

5.    Pratyahara (Returning to Our Center)

6.    Dharana (Being Absorbed in Our Center)

7.    Dhyana (Meditation)

8.    Samasdhi (Blissfulness)

G.   Basic Ayurveda

H.   Teaching  
     - The Courage to Be
     -  Practice Teaching

I.     Basic Anatomy and Physiology

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You will learn about:

  • Teaching from your heart and using inspiration

  • Using your voice in various ways

  • Using key phrases

  • How to use your breath to stay centered and grounded while teaching

  • How to help students stay connected with breath

  • How to be in your power and “be yourself”

  • Teaching beginners and what is important in terms of building the foundation for students

  • How to educate students as you go so that they understand the purpose of what you are doing

  • Finding your own style of teaching

  • How to develop your teacher’s tool kit

  • Self-talk and using mantra

  • Some basic yoga sessions and sequence of poses

  • How to build on the foundation and teach more advanced yoga postures

  • The details and guidelines for teaching postures

  • Alignment

  • Teaching from flow

There will be discussion and sharing of ideas.  You will have an opportunity to practice using the principles you are learning by leading some sessions, getting feedback and sharing ideas.

A manual will be provided.

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Yoga Teacher Training Schedule 2011

A new 200 hour program will start September.
It will be on Saturdays 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Cost: $70
and will consist of modules or sections of the program.
Dates to be announced.
Cost for 200 hours is $2000




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